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  • Writer's pictureMegan Rossi

How Exercising leads to a longer life


Health is one of the most important things in life. It is the foundation of everything else, from our ability to work and enjoy our hobbies to our relationships and overall well-being. And one of the best things we can do for our health is to exercise regularly.

Exercise has been shown to have a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. It can help us maintain a healthy weight, reduce our risk of chronic diseases, improve our mood, and boost our energy levels. But one of the most exciting benefits of exercise is that it can help us live longer.

A large body of research has shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to die prematurely from all causes, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. For example, a study published in the journal Circulation found that people who met the recommended levels of physical activity had a 28% lower risk of death from all causes than those who were inactive.

Another study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, found that people who exercised the most had a 33% lower risk of death from all causes than those who exercised the least.

While the exact mechanisms by which exercise prolongs life are not fully understood, it is thought to work in a number of ways. For example, exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation. It also helps to maintain a healthy weight, which is an important risk factor for many chronic diseases.

In addition, exercise has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects on the brain, including improving cognitive function, reducing stress, and boosting mood. These effects may also play a role in prolonging life.

Benefits of exercise for longevity

1. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, are the leading causes of death in the world. Exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of developing many of these diseases.

For example, exercise helps to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels. It also helps to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. All of these factors can help to protect against chronic diseases.

2. Improves cardiovascular health

Exercise is especially beneficial for cardiovascular health. It helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, improve circulation, and reduce blood pressure. This can help to prevent heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.

3. Helps to maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do for your overall health, including your longevity. Exercise can help you to burn calories and lose weight, or to maintain a healthy weight if you are already at a healthy BMI.

4. Boosts the immune system

Exercise can help to boost your immune system and make you less susceptible to infections. This is because exercise helps to increase the number of white blood cells in your body, which are responsible for fighting off infection.

5. Improves mental health

Exercise has also been shown to have a number of beneficial effects on mental health. It can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve mood and boost energy levels.

How much exercise do you need to live longer?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. You can also break this up into smaller chunks of time, such as 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity five days per week.

It is important to note that any amount of activity is better than none. Even if you can only fit in a few minutes of exercise each day, it will still have some benefits for your health and longevity.

Tips for getting more exercise

If you are struggling to get enough exercise, there are a few things you can do to make it easier:

  1. Find an activity that you enjoy. This is the most important thing. If you don’t enjoy the activity, you are less likely to stick with it.

  2. Start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising each week.

  3. Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much too soon.

  4. Find a workout buddy. Having someone to exercise with can help you to stay motivated.

  5. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Schedule time for exercise just like you would any other important appointment.


Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health and longevity. It has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve cardiovascular health, help to maintain a healthy weight, boost the immune system, and improve mental health.

If you are not currently exercising regularly, I encourage you to start today. Even a small amount of exercise can make a big difference

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